Michelangelo Signorile, on Congressman Matt Salmon’s anti-marriage equality stance while being father to a gay son:
"My head is going to explode if I hear someone say one more time that a parent can unconditionally "love" his or her child while still not 'accepting' the fact that the child is gay, and can even oppose rights for the child. Yesterday several callers to my radio program accused me of being unreasonable, and even hateful, for saying that we are now well past the time when such thinking is acceptable. If you're working against rights for your own children in the name of your religious faith, even while claiming that you love those children, then you are selfish and pathetic, actually loving yourself and your beliefs more than you love your own kids."
I think Michelangelo says it exactly how I feel. How can a parent say ‘I love you’ and then work to deny their children equality?
That ain’t love.
Matt R. Salmon, defending his father's, Arizona Congressman Matt Salmon, anti-marriage equality stance:
“He doesn’t see it as not allowing his son to be with the person he loves, because he knows that regardless of where marriage is, I’m going to be with the person that I love. Whether I can legally marry in Arizona or not, it’s not going to change that fact and my father knows that and he accepts my desire to be with the man that I love. As far as it goes with marriage, for him it’s a matter of what marriage means to him — to him marriage is defined as between a man and a woman. It has nothing to do with the way he views a person’s relationship, and that’s the thing that I think is hard for people to understand.”
Matt, maybe your dad realizes that you can ‘be’ with the person you love but he doesn’t think you have the right to ‘marry’ the person you love. He’s saying you aren’t as equal as is he, and that’s where I have the issue.
Rand Paul, Teabagging Senator from Kentucky, on working to keep the marriage equality battle at the state level because they won’t win at the federal level:
"I think right now if we say we're only going to [have] a federally mandated one man, one woman marriage, we're going to lose that battle because the country is going the other way right now. If we're to say each state can decide, I think a good 25, 30 states still do believe in traditional marriage, and maybe we allow that debate to go on for another couple of decades and see if we can still win back the hearts and minds of people."
Rand, you moron, people won’t go backwards. If people move progressively toward same-sex marriage acceptance, they won’t suddenly switch back in ten years.
I mean, did I miss that whole period where we tried, after legalizing interracial marriage, to work to overturn it?
We won’t go backwards.
David Letterman, on marriage equality and anti-LGBT discrimination:
"I'm just sick and tired, and I think it has really crossed the line of being nonsense. This ongoing, politically nuanced, religiously nuanced discussion of gay marriage, gay rights. It is absolute stupidity....Humans have the right to do what humans do, that’s it. End of story. There’s no argument. There’s no exceptions. Humans have rights and they get to do what humans get to do. Case closed. Good night."
Alveda King, three-times divorced, who had two abortions and tried to get a third but didn't have the money, on abortion rights and marriage equality:
"We are told by abortion advocates that it is 'unjust' that some women cannot afford to abort their babies, so tax dollars must be used to finance the killing of those children. We are told by same-sex 'marriage' advocates that it is 'unjust' that men cannot marry other men and women cannot marry other women, so 2,000 years of wisdom must be abandoned. And yet, the Bible tells us that human life is sacred. We are thereby to choose life over abortion. The Bible teaches us that natural marriage between one man and one woman is part of the procreative process. We are thereby compelled to choose holy and procreative matrimony. In forgetting our heritage, in distancing ourselves from God's moral rules, we are doing Uncle M. L. a disservice, and we are in danger of coming face to face with disaster. So, in remembering Uncle M. L. today, I urge America and the world to remember that he was a servant of God who, though imperfect, tried to point people to the truth."
Honey, the truth is that you cannot stay married and yet you think you can tell other people that they don’t have the same rights. The truth is you have had abortions and now you want to tell other women that the Bible says they can’t? Where was the Bible when you were aborting what you call a ‘scared life’?
Boyd Packer, Latter Day Saints Apostle, telling Mormons to be careful about softening the church's stance on 'anti-family' issues, presumably homosexuality and same-sex marriage:
"The family, The fundamental organization in time and eternity is under attack from forces seen and unseen...We need to be careful of the tolerance trend, so that we do not swallow it up and get swallowed up in it...The permissiveness afforded by the weakening of the laws of the land to tolerate and legalize acts of immorality does not reduce the serious spiritual consequence that is the result from a violation of God’s law of Chastity.”
Yes, let’s be careful of being tolerant of those who might be different from us.
Those are some lovely teachings you got going there Boyd.
Bret Lockett, New York Jets safety, on gay players in the NFL:
"I think it's interesting and I think it's going to happen sometime soon now. It will definitely stir up a crazy controversy among the media and everybody else, but I don't have a problem with it. I support everybody. Everybody has a right to do what they want. I don't have a problem playing with anyone who would be gay. At the end of the day, as long as they're a great football player, that's all that matters."
Isn’t that what any player would do? Play the game? Why is that straight players can play well, and do their jobs on the field, while gay players would be too busy cruising the showers?
Dave Hagstrom, Montana Congressman and a Republican of course, explaining his ‘No’ vote to repeal the state’s ban on The Gays having sex:
“I don’t think that homosexual sex is necessarily not deviate. Bad word? Deviate simply means it’s not normal, it’s not typical....This pen has two purposes. The first purpose, of course, is to write. The second purpose is to retract, so that it doesn’t leave a stain on your shirt or your purse. So it has two purposes, but one is primary and the other is secondary. To me, sex’s primary purpose is to produce people, that’s why we’re all here. Sex that doesn’t produce people is deviate. That doesn’t mean that it’s a problem. It just means it’s not doing its primary purpose. So I’m just speaking to the bill and I encourage people to vote red.”
And this nutcase got elected to office?
But let’s take one little part of his wack-a-doody comments: sex’s primary purpose is to produce people.
Then no one, no one, should be allowed to have sex for any reason other than to produce children, and by Hagstrom’s own lunacy, should be charged with a felony is their schtupping doesn’t result in babies.
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