Stacey Campfield, a Republican state Senator from Tennessee and frequent Asshat of the Week here on ISBL, is at it again. See, in order to, as he now says, highlight the hypocrisy of lawmakers working for gun control, he posted an illustration of a pressure cooker—like the ones used in the Boston bombings—to mock gun control advocates.
“Here comes Feinstein again” Campfield titled the post, in a reference to Senator Dianne Feinstein, who authored an assault weapons ban after the shooting massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. Campfield labeled the pressure cooker illustration with features similar to those of a gun – like a “tactical pistol grip” and “folding stock.”
“Large-capacity, can cook for hours without reloading,” it also says.
And, as gun control advocates and victims of gun violence asked him to remove the image and the commentary for its tastelessness, Campfield refused, telling ABC News:
“I think it’s tasteless when Obama will drag everybody he can up to Capitol Hill and try to pass gun control. I think that was classless and tasteless.”
Um, actually, Obama was putting a face, and faces, to the need to stricter gun control and backgrounds checks, Mr. Campfield. And maybe, had we had stricter background checks, Adam Lanza’s mother might not have had an arsenal in her home within easy reach of her son’s hands; and maybe, you delusional asshat, just maybe Newtown wouldn’t have had to bury twenty-six young souls.
Tasteless and classless? No, that’s on you. Campfield then said:
“I was showing the hypocrisy of Dianne Feinstein, the gun grabbers—of their inability to realize that it is a person that does activity, not an inanimate object, be it a gun or a pressure cooker.”
Yes, Senator Asshat, it is the person that does the activity, and had we had in place stricter background checks, maybe that person wouldn’t have had access to guns. And, to be clear, you lying pandering ass-kissing lapdog to the NRA, no one, not even Senator Feinstein, is trying to “grab” your guns. They’re trying to grab your attention and realize we have a problem with gun violence in this country and need to do something about it.
Then, to show just how out of touch he is, Campfield had no idea he might offend anyone in Boston who was hurt or maimed by the bombs, or the families of anyone in Boston killed by the bombs:
“Really? If my post was inappropriate talking about ‘crock pot control’ then where is the outrage from the left when they push for gun control after the Sandy Hook shooting? I’m sorry if I exposed your double standard....Well, not really.”
Congratulation Tennessee, Stacey Campfield represents you, and you let him say the things he says, and spit in the faces of victims of gun violence, and victims of terrorism, because he wants to keep his hand out for an NRAS payoff. But, what can we expect from a man who tried to stop teachers and school administrators from saying the word ‘gay’ and the man who tried to force teachers and school administrators to ‘out’ any student they suspected might be gay.
He’ s so out of touch with what people want—90% of Americans want stricter background checks—and yet you keep sending him back into politics, Tennessee. Thanks so much for that.
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